The bibliography below comprises two sections. The first features reference texts and resources that we have used frequently in producing the electronic resource, and which are extremely helpful for anyone thinking about tackling the translation of neo-Latin texts, Scottish or otherwise. The second is a broader list of books, articles and websites on Scottish neo-Latin culture and literature, of modern editions of texts by Scottish authors, and of comparative studies of other early modern countries, which have also been important for contextual research on the project. To this second section we have added publications linked to the project since its formal conclusion in 2015, as well as major new texts on Scottish neo-Latin. This list is not intended to be definitive, but if you find there are any 'essential' texts missing that you think should be included, please let us know via our contact page. With thanks to Brian Brennan for compiling the initial draft of the second section of this list.
Section 1: Reference Resources and Texts
Orbis Latinus Online: This is an online version of the 1909 edition of Johann George Theodor Grässe's Orbis Latinus, which was originally publised in Dresden in 1861 as Orbis Latinus, oder Verzeichniss der lateinischen Benennungen der bekanntesten Städte etc., Meere, Seen, Berge und Flüsse in allen Theilen der Erde, nebst einem deutsch-lateinischen Register derselben. This invaluable reference work records virtually every known Latin place-name and gives the modern vernacular equivalent.
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography: contains short biographies of nearly every major sixteenth- and early-seventeenth century Scottish historical figure, including most of the poets featured on the site and many of those who appear as subjects in their epigrams.
Oxford Reference: Oxford's online reference service, which contains digital copies of virtually all their dictionaries and encyclopaedias. Particularly useful for researching events and myths relating to the Classical world.
Packard Humanities Institute Latin Texts: this website allows you to search almost every text produced in antiquity for key words and phrases, and also has a concordance option, making it ideal for locating Classical tags in texts.
Perseus Digital Library Latin Word Study Tool: The Perseus Digital Library has a wide and ever-increasing collection of electronic resources relating to Classics and the Classical world, but the most useful for a translator is their Latin Word Study Tool, which can parse any variant of a Latin word and give you its meaning (its only drawback being that the definitions of each term are drawn from Lewis and Short's Latin Dictionary, rather than the Oxford Latin Dictionary or other modern resources).
The Philological Museum: hosted by the Shakespeare Institute at the University of Birmingham and under the general editorial supervision of Professor Dana F. Sutton, this resource houses the largest collection of electronic critical editions and translations of British neo-Latin texts anywhere on the web. It includes a wide range of material by Scottish authors.
Section 2: Books, Articles and Websites on Neo-Latin Culture; other Modern Editions of Scottish Neo-Latin Texts
Adams, J.W.L., 'Scottish neo-Latin poetry', in P. Tuynman, G.C. Kuiper, and E. Keßler (eds), Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Amstelodamensis: Proceedings of the Second International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies, Amsterdam 19–24 August 1973 (München, 1979).
Adams, J.W.L., 'The Renaissance poets (2): Latin', in J. Kinsley (ed.), Scottish Poetry: A Critical Survey (London, 1955).
Allan, D., '"The divine fury of the Muses": neo-Latin poetry in early modern Scotland', in C. Gribben and D.G. Mullan (eds), Literature and the Scottish Reformation (Farnham/Burlington, 2009).
Barclay, J., Argenis, ed. and trans. M.T. Riley and D.P Huber (Assen, 2004).
Barclay, J., Icon Animorum or the Mirror of Minds, ed. M. Riley (Leuven, 2013).
Binns, J.W., Intellectual Culture in Elizabethan and Jacobean England: The Latin Writings of the Age (Leeds, 1990).
Binns, J.W., The Latin Poetry of English Poets (London, 1974).
Bower, W., Scotichronicon, ed. and trans. D.E.R. Watt, J. MacQueen, W. MacQueen, and S. Taylor (9 vols, Aberdeen, 1987).
Bradner, L., Musae Anglicanae (New York, 1940).
Buchanan, G., Poetic Paraphrases of the Psalms of David, ed. and trans. R. Green (Geneva, 2011).
Castor, G., and Cave, T. (eds), Neo-Latin and the Vernacular in Renaissance France (Oxford, 1984).
Catellani-Dufreêne, N., and Perrin, M. (eds), La Lyre Et La Pourpre : Poeésie Latine et Politique De L'antiquité Tardive á La Renaissance (Rennes, 2012).
Coleman, D.G., The Gallo-Roman Muse: Aspects of Roman Literary Tradition in Sixteenth-Century France (Cambridge, 1979).
Crawford, R., Scotland's Books: the Penguin History of Scottish Literature (London, 2007).
'Cultures of Knowledge: Networking the Republic of Letters, 1550-1750' website.
Cunningham, I.C., 'Andrew Melville's Scotiae Topographia: a new edition,' in K.J. McGinley and N. Royan (eds), The Apparelling of Truth: Literature and Literary Culture in the Reign of James VI (Newcastle, 2010).
De Smet, I.A.R., Menippean Satire and the Republic of Letters 1581-1655 (Geneva, 1996).
Dempster, T., Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Scotorum, ed. D. Irving (2 vols, Bannantyne Club: Edinburgh, 1827-1829).
Durkan, J., and Watt, W.S., 'Adam Mure's Laudes Gulielmi Elphinstoni', Humanistica Lovaniensia, 28 (Leuven, 1979).
Ford, P., The Judgment of Palaemon: the Contest between Neo-Latin and Vernacular Poetry in Renaissance France (Leiden, 2013).
Ford, P., Bloemendal, J. and Fantazzi, C. (eds), Brill's Encyclopedia of the Neo-Latin World (2 vols, Leiden, 2014).
Geddes, W.D, and Leask, W.K. (eds), Musa Latina Aberdonensis (3 vols, Aberdeen: New Spalding Club, 1892-1910).
Green, R.P.H., Burton, P.H., Ford, D.J. (eds) Scottish Latin Authors in Print up to 1700 : a Short-Title List (Leuven, 2012).
Harris, J., and Sidwell, K.C. (eds), Making Ireland Roman: Irish Neo-Latin Writers and the Republic of Letters (Cork, 2009).
Houghton, L.B.T., and Manuwald, G. (eds), Neo-Latin Poetry in the British Isles (Bristol, 2012).
Ijsewijn, J., and Thomson, D.F.S., 'The Latin poems of Jacobus Follisius or James Foullis of Edinburgh', Humanisitica Lovaniensia, 24 (1975).
Ijsewijn, J., Companion to Neo-Latin Studies, Part 1: History and Diffusion of Neo-Latin Literature (2nd edn, Leuven, 1990).
Ijsewijn, J. (with Sacre, D.), Companion to Neo-Latin Studies, Part 2: Literary, Linguistic, Philological and Editorial Questions (2nd edn, Leuven, 1998).
Irving, D., The History of Scottish Poetry, ed. J. A. Carlyle (1861).
Jillings, K., 'Hercules Rollock and the Edinburgh Plague of 1585', The Bottle Imp 15 (2014).
Johnston, W.T., The Best of Our Owne: Letters of Archibald Pitcairne, 1652-1713 (Edinburgh, 1979).
Knight, S., and Tilg, S. (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Neo-Latin (Oxford, 2015).
Macquarrie, A., Legends of Scottish Saints: Readings, Hymns and Prayers for the Commemorations of Scottish Saints in the Aberdeen Breviary (Dublin, 2012).
MacQueen, J., 'Scottish Latin poetry', in R.D.S. Jack (ed.), The History of Scottish Literature, volume 1: Origins to 1660 (Mediaeval and Renaissance) (Aberdeen, 1988).
J. and W. MacQueen, 'Scottish Latin prose', in R.D.S. Jack (ed.), The History of Scottish Literature, volume 1: Origins to 1660 (Mediaeval and Renaissance) (Aberdeen, 1988).
MacQueen, J. and W. (eds), Archibald Pitcairne: The Latin Poems (Assen/Tempe, AZ, 2009).
Mason, R.A., and Reid, S.J. (eds), Andrew Melville (1545-1622): Writings, Reception, and Reputation (Ashgate, 2014).
Mason, R.A., and Smith, M.S. (eds), A Dialogue on the Law of Kingship among the Scots: a Critical Edition and Translation of George Buchanan's De Jure Regni Apud Scotos Dialogus (Aldershot/Burlington, VT, 2004).
McGinnis, P.J., and Williamson, A.H. (eds), George Buchanan’s Political Poetry (Edinburgh, 1995).
McGinnis, P.J., and Williamson, A.H, The British Union: A Critical Edition and Translation of David Hume of Godscroft's De Unione Insulae Britannicae (Aldershot/Burlington, VT, 2002).
McOmish, D., 'The poet and his art: Andrew Melville and Latin literature', in R.A. Mason and S.J.Reid (eds), Andrew Melville (1545-1622): Writings, Reception, and Reputation (Farnham, 2014).
McOmish, D., 'Adam King: a man for all seasons', The Innes Review, 66:2 (2015).
McOmish, D., 'Not just a lawyer: Thomas Craig and humanist Edinburgh", The Innes Review, 67:2 (2016).
McOmish, D., 'A community of scholarship: Latin literature and scientific discourse in early-modern Scotland', in: S. J. Reid and D. McOmish (eds), Neo-Latin Literature and Literary Culture in Early Modern Scotland (Leiden, 2016).
Moul, V. (ed.), A Guide to Neo-Latin Literature (Cambridge, 2017).
Murarasu, D., La Poésie Néo-Latine et la Renaissance des Lettres Antiques En France (1500-1549) (Paris, 1928).
Naiden, J.R., The Sphera of George Buchanan (1506-1582): a Literary Opponent of Copernicus and Tycho Brahe (self-published, 1952).
Petrina, A., and Johnston, I. (eds), The Impact of Latin Culture on Medieval and Early Modern Scottish Writing (Kalamazoo, MI, 2018).
Reid, S.J., '"Quasi Sibyllae folia dispersa": the anatomy of the Delitiae Poetarum Scotorum (1637)', in J. Hadley Williams and J. Derrick McClure (eds), Fresche Fontanis: Studies in the Culture of Medieval and Early Modern Scotland (Newcastle upon Tyne, 2013).
Reid, S.J., 'Andrew Melville and the law of kingship', in R.A.Mason and S.J.Reid (eds), Andrew Melville (1545-1622): Writings, Reception, and Reputation (Farnham, 2014).
Reid, S.J., 'Andrew Melville's anti-episcopal poetry', in R.A.Mason and S.J.Reid (eds), Andrew Melville (1545-1622): Writings, Reception, and Reputation (Farnham, 2014).
Reid, S.J.,'Andrew Melville: a bibliography', in R.A. Mason and S.J. Reid (eds), Andrew Melville (1545-1622): Writings, Reception, and Reputation (Farnham, 2014).
Reid, S.J., 'A Latin renaissance in reformation Scotland? Print trends in Scottish Latin literature, c. 1480-1700', Scottish Historical Review 95:1 (2016).
Reid, S.J., 'Introduction', in: S.J. Reid and D. McOmish (eds), Neo-Latin Literature and Literary Culture in Early Modern Scotland (Leiden, 2016).
Reid, S.J., 'France through the eyes of Scottish Neo-Latinists: snapshots from the Delitiae Poetarum Scotorum, in: S.J. Reid and D. McOmish (eds), Neo-Latin Literature and Literary Culture in Early Modern Scotland (Leiden, 2016).
Reid, S.J., 'Classical reception and erotic Latin poetry in Sixteenth-Century Scotland: the case of Thomas Maitland (ca. 1548–1572)', in: A. Petrina and I. Johnston (eds), The Impact of Latin Culture on Medieval and Early Modern Scottish Writing (Kalamazoo, MI, 2018).
Reid, S.J., and McOmish, D. (eds), Neo-Latin Literature and Literary Culture in Early Modern Scotland (Leiden, 2016).
Reid, S.J., and McOmish, D. (eds), Steven J. Reid and David McOmish (eds), Corona Borealis:Scottish Neo-Latin Poets on King James VI and his Reign, 1566-1603 (Glasgow, 2020).
Reid Baxter, J., 'Andrew Melville’s Conjuratio Pulverea (1605), amended from the text in Melvini Musae and poems printed in the 1609 edition of Frances Herring’s Pietas Pontificia', in R.A.Mason and S.J.Reid (eds), Andrew Melville (1545-1622): Writings, Reception, and Reputation (Ashgate, 2014).
Robb, T.D., 'Delitiae Poetarum Scotorum', Proceedings of the Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow, 39 (1907–1908).
Ruddiman, T. (ed.), Georgii Buchanani … Opera Omnia (2 vols, Edinburgh, 1715, 1725).
Skafte-Jansen, M., A History of Nordic Neo-Latin Literature (Odense, 1995).
Smeesters, A., Aux Rives de la Lumière: la poésie de la Naissance chez les Auteurs Néo-Latins des anciens Pays-Bas entre la fin du XVe siècle et le milieu du XVIIe siècle (Leuven, 2011).
Sutton, D. (ed.), 'The Philological Museum' website.
Thomson, D.F.S., 'The Latin epigram in Scotland: the sixteenth century', Phoenix, 11 (1957).
Upton, C., 'Studies in Scottish Latin', unpublished St Andrews PhD thesis (1984).
Upton, C., 'National internationalism: Scottish literature and the European audience in the seventeenth century', Studies in Scottish Literature, 26 (1991).

Delitiae Poetarum Scotorum: both volumes