Comparatio Conditionis suae cum vere (n.d.)

It is unclear when this poem was written, but thematically it should perhaps be read in conjunction with d1_AytR_008, and tentatively dated to c.1606. Metre: elegiac couplets.

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Comparatio conditionis suae cum vere 1

1Cuncta virent viresque novas a vere resumunt,
deciduis languet spes mea sola comis.
Ne tamen omnino discors a vere recedem;
cura mea aeterno germine foeta viret.
5En unquam transcribit hyems sua tempora veri,
en unquam brumae ver sua regna dabit.
Spes mea, jam tepidi redeunt cum tempora veris,
aut exspectata fertilitate viret:
aut dolor aeternum fundens per membra rigorem
10ocyus hoc aevi ver breve claude mei.

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A comparison of the poet's own condition with Spring's

All things bloom and they recover their new blooms from Spring, yet my hopes languish amid the fallen leaves. Nevertheless, may I not completely stand apart and disassociate myself from Spring: sprung from an eternal seed my concern blooms. Will Winter ever yield up its season to Spring? Will Spring ever hand over its domain to Autumn? May my hope, when the season of mild Spring now returns, either bloom with long-awaited fertility, or my anguish, as it pours eternal stiffness through my limbs, more speedily end this brief Spring of my life.



1: A version of this poem is found in Almanach des Muses Latines (1817) p.70, under the title 'Plantes du Malheureux'.