Poems by Robert Ayton
- A panegyric to James VI, king of the British kingdoms, upon his journey to England
- A lament on the death of Thomas Reid
- Kisses, or rather festive good wishes, to the most illustrious knight, James Hay
- A lament upon the death of Raphael Thory, a doctor, and a most outstanding poet, who died in London of the plague
- From a beloved Carr to her dear Carr
- On the Gunpowder Plot, which happened on the day of Mars
- An act of thanks for admittance to the king's private bedchamber
- Farewell to court
- A comparison of the poet's own condition with Spring's
- On the marriage of dear Carr to his beloved girl
- Against the rumor concerning the death of King James
- On Bohemian affairs
- To James in his sickness when a comet appeared before the death of the queen
- An argument with King James
- On the two offices held by Buckingham
- To King James
- An epitaph for John Murray
- An epitaph for Robert Young
- A poem by a certain Gaul in praise of the girl from Orleans
- A response from Ayton
- Another response from Ayton
- An anagram: Richard Weston, a stern and honest man
- On the death of the Duke of Buckingham, who was killed with a knife by Felton