Pax Sancta (n.d.)

A simple reflective poem on the spiritual value of Christian peace. Metre: elegiac couplets.

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Pax sancta

Quid fructus sine radice, aut radix sine fructu?
Haec non ulli usu est, ille nec esse potest.
Pax fructus, pietas radix, hunc germinat illa.
Non pax, sed bellum quae pietate vacat.
Nec pietas sine pace: sit ergo relligionis
cura piae, pacis sit pia cura bonae.
Nec pietas sine vero aut hoc sine lumine verbi,
nec verbi lumen numinis igne vacat.
Lumine numen agens, et lucens numine lumen
nos pace aeterna cum pietate beet.

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Sacred peace

What is a fruit without a root, or a root without a fruit? It is a root with no purpose, and the fruit cannot exist. Peace is the fruit and love the root, the latter begets the former. It is not peace which is devoid of love, but war. Nor is there love without peace: therefore let us cultivate a loving religion, and let us lovingly cultivate a good peace. There is no love without truth nor without the light of the word, nor is the light of the word devoid of god's fire. May god guiding us with his light, and the light shining with his divinity reward us with eternal peace in his love.