Ad regem et reginam (c.1590)

Undated, but similar in theme and subject to the Stephaniskion, which suggests a possible dating of around 1590 (see d2_MelA_002). The shift between gendering of Phoebus/Phoebe and Cynthius/Cynthia to indicate James VI as the sun and Anne as the moon which receives his light is slightly cumbersome, and not entirely successful. Metre: elegiac couplets.

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Ad regem et reginam

1Ceu magni duo sunt clarissima lumina mundi,
Phœbus luce nitens, Cynthia nocte micans:
sic duo vos nostri clarissima sydera caeli,
tuque Iacobe nitens, tu quoque et Anna micans.
Link to an image of this page  [p118] 5Aureus est Phœbus, Phœbe est argentea: ab auro
argentum, et Solis lumine Luna micat.
Et si nube dies obducat lumina Phœbo,
illustrat Phœbum Cynthia nocte suum.
Luceat ergo tuus tibi, Phœbe, Cynthius almus,
10ut Phœbum exhilares nocte dieque tuum.
Sis lux alma tuo semper bona Cynthia Phœbo,
sic niteat Phœbus tempus in omne mihi.
Fac lucis pater, o supreme Diespiter, almo
14sic Phœbe ut Phœbus luceat igne tuo.

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To the king and queen

As the great two are the clearest lights of the world, Phoebus, shining with light, Cynthia sparkling in the night: so you two are the stars shining most brightly in our sky, both you, James, shining, and also you, Anne, sparkling. Link to an image of this page  [p118] Phoebus is golden, Phoebe is silver: silver sparkles with the light of gold, and the moon sparkles with that of the sun. And if cloud obscures her light from Phoebus in the day, Cynthia shines upon her Phoebus by night. May your dear Cynthius, Phoebe, shine on you, so that you may gladden your Phoebus in day and night. Good Cynthia, may you always be a cherished light to your Phoebus, so that Phoebus may shine at all times upon me. Father of light, and the supreme day-father, make it so that Phoebe may shine like Phoebus with your cherished fire.